Wwhhyy Ccoonnssttrruuccttiioonn Iinnssiittee??

Since 1990 our mission has been to provide building permit information for sales leads that is both timely and accurate. Each week we gather information from 37 municipalities and compile it into four reports: Triad, Triangle, Sandhills & Metro. Each area's new information is gathered in one day and posted the next.

We have retained a very long history of building permit data that can provide new insight into exactly what is, and what was, happening in the building industry for these areas. Construction Insite will provide methods to research your specific requests regarding the information that YOU need. No longer will you have to rely on statistics or sampling. We provide the actual counts, locations & valuations that you need to make critical decisions for your company.

How do we get our data?
We travel to permit offices throughout North Carolina to collect over 1000 new building permits each week.

What is the turnaround time for new permit data?
Our information is colleted in one day and posted the next. All of our information is new each week and is unique data.

Can I customize the search criteria?
Yes. You can set your own criteria to get only the permits that meet your needs. For example, you could select "All Single-Family Dwellings" with a value over $300,000 for Raleigh, Wake County And Durham for the past 3 Weeks.

Am I limited in my number of searches or reports?
No. You have unlimited access to our reporting systems to get the information you need today.

What are the Summary Reports?
Our summary reports allow the ability to refine the information to meet your needs. Our summary reports include:

  • Annualized sortable listing of contractors updated automatically the fist day of the month
  • Monthly SFD Counts compared to previous year
  • Overview of the entire market compared to previous year
  • Subdivision breakdown by contractor